Thursday, May 3, 2007

What we're doing here

We're talking about Downtown Pittsburgh -- what happened to make it the pathetic hellhole it is today and what can be done to change it.

We welcome your input on good spots, bad spots and the overall state of what was once one of the most vibrant downtown areas in any mid-sized city in the USA.

Let's start with one trouble spot -- the area around the Wood Street T station at the corner of Liberty and Wood. Used to be a problem in the late afternoon because of kids congregating around the bus stop after school. Now it's pretty much trouble around the clock. Wendy's closed its location there, and Dunkin Donuts followed. McDonald's posts anti-loitering signs in its windows, but they don't seem to help. Some high-priced condos are going in around the corner, so perhaps a clean-up will become a priority. For now, though, one of the busiest intersections in the city is also one of the worst.


Amos_thePokerCat said...

Hey, good blog. What about B&N closing? I would have thought more people would have made a brew-ha-ha about that. Is there any other city in the country that has had their downtown B&N close? Don't Yinzers read? Silly me. Never mind.

Terry said...

Yes, B & N was a huge loss. Sadly, you could see it coming because they cut back hours and had ongoing problems with homeless people camping out in the rest rooms. Then there were issues with people plopping down in the chairs and sitting all day. The bad thing was that Smithfield Street was one of the few downtown that had some vibrancy. Hard to believe there is no street-level bookstore downtown.